How does infertility treatment work and how effective is it

How does infertility treatment work and how effective is it?

When nature is unable to complete the task, science fills the gap with infertility therapies. All infertility therapies include fusing the wife’s egg with the husband’s sperm.

Different levels of intricacy, care, and technology are required for this to happen in her womb or a lab. Here is a brief overview of the three infertility therapies that are used most frequently, according to the fertility & IVF specialist in Greater Noida.

Intrauterine Implantation (IUI)

In the majority of infertility situations, IUI is the initial line of therapy. In this procedure, the husband’s semen is collected and washed (separating the motile sperm from the seminal fluid), and the sperm are then introduced into the wife’s uterus using a special sterile tube. The wife is given hormones to help her ovulate (discharge mature eggs from the ovaries) at the proper time. Even in a facility as capable as Nova, it has a success rate of between 10 and 15 percent.

InVitro Fertilization (IVF)

In IVF, the woman’s egg is removed and mixed with her husband’s sperm in a glass dish in the laboratory. One of the sperms will fertilise the woman’s egg following hormone therapy and an ultrasound to confirm ovulation. With success rates as high as 40 to 50 percent every cycle, this is the most popular kind of infertility therapy.

Injection of intracytoplasmic sperm (ICSI)

In contrast to IVF, one sperm is placed inside a hollow glass needle and administered directly into the egg to fertilize it. Naturally, this calls for far more advanced technology, education, and surroundings. Since only the finest and healthiest sperm are utilized for fertilization, ICSI is advised in situations of severe male infertility.


Your doctor or fertility clinic strives to understand your sexual habits before performing infertility testing, and they may provide suggestions to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Sometimes there is no clear cause for infertility in a relationship (unexplained infertility).

A costly and occasionally unpleasant treatment is a part of an infertility examination. The expense of fertility therapy may not be covered by all health insurance policies. Finally, even after all the testing and counselling, there is no assurance that you will become pregnant.

Women’s fertility depends on their ovaries producing healthy eggs. To be fertilised, an egg must be able to travel through the reproductive system and into the fallopian tubes. The fertilised egg has to get there to implant in the uterine lining. Finding out if any of these systems are compromised is the goal of tests for female infertility.

A routine gynaecological checkup might be part of your overall physical examination. Particular fertility testing might consist of:

Testing for ovulation. 

To ascertain if you are ovulating, a blood test examines hormone levels.

Hysterosalpingography. The procedure known as hysterosalpingography assesses the health of your fallopian tubes and uterus and searches for any blockages or other issues. Your uterus is given an injection of X-ray contrast material, and an X-ray is then taken to assess whether the cavity is normal and to check for any fluid leakage from your fallopian tubes.

Testing for ovarian reserve. 

The amount of eggs that are accessible for ovulation is determined by this assay. Hormone testing is frequently the first step in this strategy early in the menstrual cycle.

Imaging exams.

 An ultrasound of the pelvis searches for ovarian or uterine conditions. A sonohysterogram, also known as a saline infusion ultrasonography, can occasionally be used to view uterine features that are not visible on a standard ultrasound.

Hormone evaluation.

 To check your levels of testosterone and other male hormones, you could have a blood test.

Genetic analysis. 

To ascertain whether a genetic abnormality is the root of infertility, genetic testing may be performed.

Biopsy of the testes. 

A testicular biopsy may be done in some circumstances to find anomalies causing infertility or to get sperm for assisted reproductive methods like IVF.


 Imaging tests such as brain MRI, transrectal or scrotal ultrasound, or a test of the vas deferens (vasography) may be carried out under specific circumstances.

Further specialized tests. 

Other sperm quality tests, such as checking a sample of semen for DNA abnormalities, may be carried out in exceptional circumstances.

Depending on the couple’s age and reproductive potential, each of these infertility treatments is correctly prescribed. Nevertheless, there is one thing that all clinics do the same: the more care the clinic takes in terms of diagnosis, tests, medication, retrieval, fertilization, monitoring, counseling, and support, the greater your chances of getting pregnant.

 At Global IVF, the Ivf doctor In Greater Noida, Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla performs each of these actions to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.