
What is hysteroscopy and how helpful is it

What is hysteroscopy and how helpful is it?

Hysteroscopy is a technique that helps a doctor to examine the interior of a woman’s cervix and uterus. It employs the use of a narrow tube known as a hysteroscope, which is threaded into the vagina. The tube is equipped with a sensor. Photos of the uterus are shown on a video screen by the camera. According to the  Best fertility & IVF specialist, The technique may aid in the diagnosis and treatment of irregular bleeding, uterine infections, and other conditions. What is its purpose? A hysteroscopy is commonly used to: Determine the source of the abnormal bleeding. Help in the discovery of the cause of infertility, defined as the failure to conceive after at least a year of attempting. Determine the cause of your miscarriages (more than two miscarriages in a row) Fibroids and polyps should be identified and removed. There are different forms of uterine premature growth. Remove an intrauterine system (IUD), which is a thin, plastic device that is implanted within the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Conduct a biopsy. A biopsy is a surgical technique that involves the removal of a specific amount of tissue for examination. Insert a permanent contraception system into the fallopian tubes. During ovulation, fallopian tubes transport eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. What is the aim of a hysteroscopy? If you have heavier-than-normal menstrual cycles and/or bleeding between periods, you can need this test. During menopause, you’re bleeding. You are having difficulty being or remaining pregnant. You like a long-term method of birth control. You want to get rid of an IUD. What is a procedure for hysteroscopy? A hysteroscopy is usually performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. The following procedures are usually included in the procedure: You will take off your clothes and change into a hospital gown. You would be positioned on your back on an exam table, your feet in stirrups. Your arm or hand may be inserted with an intravenous (IV) tube. You may be given a sedative, which is a form of drug that relaxes you and blocks pain. General anesthesia can be administered to certain women. General anesthesia is a medication that renders you unconscious during the surgery. This medication would be administered by a medically qualified doctor known as an anesthesiologist. A special soap can be used to disinfect your vaginal section. Your doctor will inject an instrument known as a speculum into your vagina. It is used to stretch the vaginal walls open. The hysteroscope would then be inserted through the vagina and moved across your cervix and through your uterus by your nurse. Your doctor will insert a liquid or gas into your uterus with the hysteroscope. This helps to enlarge the uterus, allowing the physician a clearer vision. On a video screen, the nurse would be able to see pictures of the uterus. Your provider can collect a tissue sample for examination (biopsy). If you are getting a uterine growth removed or another uterine operation, the physician will administer the procedure with instruments inserted into the hysteroscope. Preparations before test If you may be given general anesthesia, you will be required to fast (not eat or drink) for 6–12 hours before the surgery.  For 24 hours before the procedure, do not use a douche, tampons, or vaginal medications. Risks A hysteroscopy is a relatively risk-free treatment.  For a few days after the treatment, you may experience minor cramping and a small amount of bloody discharge.  If you want to know more about it or have any concerns or queries, Contact fertility & IVF specialist In Delhi NCR, Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla.

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Infertility-Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Treatment

Infertility-Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Treatment

You’re not alone if you and your spouse fight to have a baby. Fertility issues affect 8 to 12 percent of spouses globally. Infertility indicates that most couples will not become pregnant for at least a year, despite often unprotected intercourse. According to the Infertility specialist In Greater Noida, Differences may come from a problem or a combination of circumstances preventing conception with you or your spouse.  Thankfully, many safe and efficient therapies can significantly increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Symptoms Infertility is not the major symptom of becoming pregnant. No additional apparent symptoms can occur. Sometimes an infertile woman has irregular or menstrual cycles that are missing.  A man may exhibit signs like alterations in hair growth or sexual function, as well as hormone problems, under specific conditions. Male infertility causes Abnormal production or function owing to undescended testes, genetic flaws, diabetic issues of health, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV infections. The quality of the sperm may also be affected by larger veins in the testes (varicocele). Cancer and its treatments, such as radiation or chemotherapy, have the potential to cause harm. Cancer therapy can have a significant impact on sperm production. Female infertility causes Diseases that prevent eggs from being released from the ovaries are known as ovarian abnormalities. One example of a hormonal disease is a polycystic ovarian syndrome. Hyperprolactinemia, or having too much prolactin — the hormone that stimulates breast milk production — can also prevent ovulation. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous (benign) masses in the uterine wall that can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus by obstructing the fallopian tubes. Injury to the fallopian tube. This might be caused by a sexually transmitted illness, endometriosis, fibroids, or a prolapsed pelvic organ. Pelvic adhesions are scar tissue bands that tie organs together and can be caused by a pelvic infection, appendicitis, endometriosis, or abdominal and pelvic operations. Cancer. Some cancers, particularly reproductive tumours, have been shown to affect female fertility. Fertility can be affected by both radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment of Males Males with general sexual problems or a lack of healthy sperm may benefit from medication. These drugs may help with testicular function, such as sperm production and quality. Surgery. In certain situations, surgery can help to clear sperm obstructions and restore fertility.  Getting sperm is a process that takes time and effort. Several techniques are utilized to capture sperm when ejaculation is problematic or when there is no sperm in the ejaculated fluid. When sperm counts are low or abnormal, they can be used. Treatment of females To improve their fertility, some women only take one or two treatments. Others may need a mix of therapies to conceive. Ovulation is induced with the use of fertility drugs. Fertility drugs are the most common treatment for women who are unable to conceive due to ovulation issues. Ovulation is controlled or stimulated by these medications. Talk to your doctor about your fertility drug options, including the benefits and risks of each type. IUI is an abbreviation for intrauterine insemination (IUI). Healthy sperm is put directly in the uterus during IUI, about the time the ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized. Fertility restoration surgery. Endometrial polyps, a uterine septum, intrauterine scar tissue, and certain fibroids can all be addressed with hysteroscopic surgery. Endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, and bigger fibroids may necessitate laparoscopic surgery or surgery involving a wider abdominal incision. If you are struggling with infertility issues, and are looking for a fertility & IVF specialist In Greater Noida, contact Dr.Ramya Mishra Shukla and get an appointment. 

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What Are The Main Reasons For Infertility And Its Treatment

What are the main reasons for infertility and its treatment?

At any point in their lives, most people would have a deep urge to start a family. Understanding what constitutes natural fertility is critical in determining whether an individual or couple can seek treatment.  The majority of couples (roughly 85 percent) will become pregnant after a year of attempting, with the best chances of reproduction happening in the first few months. In the second year, only 7% of couples will be able to conceive. As a consequence, infertility is now known as the failure to reproduce in less than a year. As a result, 15% of couples who are trying to conceive have this condition. If you haven’t been pregnant in the last 12 months, you should consider seeing the Best fertility & IVF specialists.  Reasons for infertility  1.Infrequent menstrual periods-When a woman has normal menstrual periods, which are characterized as cycles that last 21 to 35 days, it almost certainly means she ovulates regularly. Approximately 2 weeks before the start of the next cycle, the egg is ovulated. If a woman’s periods are longer than 35 days apart, it could mean that she isn’t ovulating an egg on time, if at all. The egg’s ovulation is needed for pregnancy.  2-Female age of 35 years or older- The number of eggs produced by women decreases rapidly as they get older for unknown reasons. Furthermore, egg production, or the chance of a genetically normal egg, declines with age. As a result, if a person has been trying to conceive for 6 months or more and the woman is 35 years old or older, a fertility evaluation should be done. 3- A diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases or vaginal infections- Inflammation and lifelong scarring of the fallopian tubes may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases including chlamydia or gonorrhea. Open tubes are needed for natural conception because sperm must travel through them to enter and fertilize the ovulated egg. When a couple is trying to conceive and the woman has a history of pelvic infection, we suggest that they get evaluated right away. We will do an HSG as part of the fertility assessment to see whether the fallopian tubes are open.  4-Endometrial polyps or known uterine fibroids- Uterine defects, such as fibroids that indent the endometrial cavity and endometrial polyps, can disrupt the interaction between the endometrium (uterine lining) and the embryo, lowering implantation and pregnancy rates. In addition to irregular bleeding during menstrual periods, these anomalies may cause irregular bleeding. Women with a confirmed history of these anomalies or a history of bleeding between menstrual periods should be evaluated after 6 months of trying to conceive. Treatment options Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method of treating infertility in which semen is cleaned and primed for insertion into the uterine cavity, bypassing the cervix and carrying a greater concentration of motile sperm near to the tubes and ovulated egg. IVF entails removing eggs from the ovary, fertilizing them in the laboratory with semen, and then transferring the embryos straight into the uterus, bypassing the channels. Although tubal disorder was the first sign of IVF, several more have emerged over time. Medications for egg production and ovulation: There are two types of medications that help encourage the ovary to produce mature eggs for ovulation: tablets and injections. Clomiphene citrate is the most widely used pill for ovulation stimulation (generally one mature egg). This pill is usually taken on days 3–7 of the menstrual cycle. If you are struggling with fertility-related issues, then Contact Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla for the best Laparoscopy and IVF  Treatments In Delhi NCR.

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Laser-Assisted Hatching

What is LAH “Laser-Assisted Hatching” and its procedure?

If you’ve had IVF, you’re certainly aware that a fertilized egg does not ensure birth. When an egg is transported to a woman’s uterus, it must insert into the uterine wall to result in a healthy pregnancy. IVF failure occurs when an embryo fails to hatch and implant. According to the IVF Specialist In Delhi NCR, Laser-assisted hatching is a cutting-edge technique used in conjunction with IVF to improve the success rate of embryo implantation. If IVF fails for unknown purposes or you have a bad prognosis for IVF therapy, you will be referred to laser-assisted hatching. LAH aims to remove all of the obstacles to implantation or a healthy pregnancy. What exactly is the Laser-Assisted Hatching Treatment? Hatching Assisted by Laser Fertilized eggs are stored in the lab for 2 to 5 days during the IVF process, causing them to differentiate and mature into an embryo. To achieve pregnancy, a healthy embryo is implanted in a woman’s uterus. At this stage of development, the embryo is encased in a defensive membrane known as the zona pellucida. This defensive shell spontaneously breaks down for implantation to occur. However, in some circumstances, the embryo’s outer layer hardens, making hatching and implantation impossible. It becomes one of the causes of female infertility. In laser-assisted hatching, a small crack is formed before injecting the embryo into the uterus in the hopes that this hatching will aid in the embryo’s implantation. This treatment promotes successful implantation, which leads to pregnancy. When should LAH be used? If you are undergoing IVF, it does not mean you will be recommended LAH. Experts agree that LAH could bring fruitful pregnancy in certain types of couples. In general, assisted hatching can increase the likelihood of pregnancy in the following conditions. • If you’ve had two or more failed IVF periods. • If you have a high FSH level, your embryo’s output is low. • Until you are 38 years old or higher. Hatching Technique Supported by Laser When the embryo is already in the lab on the third day after the IVF period, the LAH procedure is performed. Laser technology makes for a more controlled approach which is the most powerful and safest strategy. This new technology necessitates the use of sophisticated instruments in the embryology lab. The whole procedure is relatively simple and only takes a few seconds. The Benefits of LAH When compared to other aided hatching techniques, laser-assisted hatching is more effective. Since the LAH treatment does not require manual handling of the embryo, there is less risk of injury. The laser’s accuracy is predetermined in the software, ensuring the embryo’s protection. Pregnancy success rates are increased with laser-assisted hatching. If you have any queries about LAH, contact Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla for the Best IVF results.

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What is the best treatment for male infertility?

Many infertile couples have more than one reason for infertility, so you’ll probably need to consult a doctor together. Male infertility can be affected by low sperm development, irregular sperm activity, or sperm delivery blockages. Male infertility can be caused by illnesses, disabilities, serious health conditions, lifestyle decisions, and other causes. A series of tests may be required to discover the reason for infertility. In some situations, no reason is ever discovered by a fertility doctor. Inability to conceive a child may be traumatic and upsetting, but there are a variety of male infertility treatments accessible. According to the fertility & IVF specialist In Delhi NCR, diagnosis and treatment options of male infertility issues are: General physical examination and medical history- Examining your genitals and inquiring about any genetic disorders, chronic health issues, diseases, injuries, or operations that may influence fertility are all part of this process. Your doctor may also enquire about your sexual behaviors and sexual development during adolescence. Semen analysis- There are several methods for obtaining sperm samples. You can offer a sample at the doctor’s office by masturbating and ejaculating into a designated container. Some males prefer an alternate technique of sperm collecting due to religious or cultural beliefs. In such instances, semen can be collected during intercourse by using a specific condom. Your sperm is then submitted to a laboratory for analysis to determine the amount of sperm present and to search for any abnormalities in the form (morphology) and movement (motility) of the sperm. The lab will also examine your sperm for symptoms of issues such as infections. Sperm counts may vary dramatically from one specimen to the next. To achieve reliable findings, many semen analysis tests are usually performed over some time. If your sperm analysis is normal, your doctor will most likely prescribe extensive testing of your female spouse before proceeding with any more male infertility tests. Often, the specific cause of infertility cannot be determined. Even if the precise cause is unknown, your doctor may be able to propose therapies or procedures that will result in conception. In situations of infertility, it is suggested that the female spouse be examined as well. Your companion may be prescribed special therapies. Treatments Surgery- A varicocele, for example, can frequently be surgically rectified, as may a blocked vas deferens. Prior vasectomies can be reversed. When there are no sperm in the ejaculate, sperm may typically be extracted straight from the testicles or epididymis utilizing sperm retrieval procedures. Treating infections- Antibiotic therapy may heal a reproductive tract infection, but it does not necessarily restore fertility. Treatments for issues in sexual intercourse-In disorders such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, medication or counseling can assist enhance fertility. Hormone treatments and medications- In situations when infertility is caused by high or low levels of specific hormones or difficulties with the way the body processes hormones, your doctor may offer hormone replacement or drugs. Assisted reproductive technology- Depending on your condition and needs, ART treatments may entail acquiring sperm by regular ejaculation, surgical extraction, or donor persons. The sperm is subsequently injected into the female vaginal tract or utilized in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. When therapy is ineffective Male fertility issues can’t be cured in some situations, and it’s hard for a man to father a child. Your doctor may advise you and your wife to consider using donor sperm or adopting a child. If you have not been able to conceive after a year of normal, sexual intercourse, Contact the Best fertility & IVF specialist, Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla Today.

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Some questions couples have to know about IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a procedure that will help partners who are having trouble conceiving take the initial steps toward parenthood. If you’re having trouble conceiving, you might be curious if IVF is right for you. What is IVF? IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization. According to Best IVF Centre In Greater Noida, The most popular form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is used to build an embryo while preventing such triggers of infertility, such as slight sperm defects in men and fallopian tube or ovulation irregularities in women. During IVF, a woman’s eggs are surgically extracted and fertilized in a lab by combining them with sperm from a mate (or donor). The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then surgically transferred back into the woman’s womb after two to five days of development How long can I wait to see a fertility specialist? After a year of attempting unsuccessfully to conceive, most people will seek advice from a fertility specialist. The normal fertility rate (the probability of a fertile couple conceiving a child in any given month) is about 20%, resulting in about 90% of couples getting pregnant after a year of attempting to conceive. The remaining 10% of couples should seek advice from a fertility doctor. After six months of trying to conceive, women over thirty are advised to undergo a fertility therapy evaluation. Also, meeting with a fertility specialist soon after agreeing to try for a child can be helpful for women over forty. Is IVF a viable alternative for me? Some considerations go into deciding whether or not a patient is a good candidate for IVF treatment. Couples that may be appropriate applicants include those who have: Sperm numbers are poor. Blockage in the fallopian tubes Other medical conditions or unknown fertility problems How powerful is IVF? According to national figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average IVF success rate using one’s eggs starts to fall about the age of thirty and declines steadily in the mid-thirties and early forties due to lower egg quantity and quantity. Our success rates at Global IVF clinic under Dr Ramya Mishra Shukla significantly outperforms the national average. A person’s height, weight, infertility diagnosis, sperm count, and reproductive history, such as the prior number of pregnancies, miscarriages, and births all affect success rates of IVF. How long would it take for IVF to work? Before egg collection, the in vitro fertilization period will take anywhere from four to six weeks. After that, the embryo(s) will be inserted two to five days later. Some patients don’t get pregnant on their first IVF attempt; in particular, it’s not unusual for them to go through multiple IVF cycles before getting pregnant. Is there a risk of side effects from IVF? Mood swings, headaches, hot sweats, stomach pain, and bloating are all side effects of pregnancy medications. Fertility medicine can cause ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS) in extremely rare cases, which can cause more severe symptoms like: Vomiting or nausea Breathing problems Decreased Urinary output Bloating and stomach pain IVF may be suitable for couples who have attempted traditional infertility therapies but have struggled to conceive. IVF may also aid in the treatment of some male infertility issues. Before deciding whether IVF is the best solution for you, meet with Best Infertility and IVF specialist in Delhi/NCR, Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla and her team at Global IVF Clinic to discuss and assess all of your treatment choices.

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10 Benefits of IVF Treatment

10 Benefits of IVF Treatment

In the field of infertility, IVF (In vitro fertilization) is often referred to as “the final resort”. According to Best IVF Centre in Greater Noida, Here are ten ways in which IVF will vastly improve a couple’s odds of a successful pregnancy and childbirth. #1 When other infertility therapies have failed, IVF will improve Until arriving at the IVF “station,” patients may undergo a variety of fertility treatments, including fertility drugs, intrauterine insemination, and so on. Certain infertility diagnoses, on the other hand, will encourage the doctor to prescribe IVF straight away so you don’t spend time and resources on fertility medications that aren’t going to function. #2 Anyone will make use of it. In-vitro fertilization isn’t just for the baby’s mother It may also be used by surrogates or gestational carriers, allowing a wider variety of individuals to become parents and share in the conception and labor process. To list a few, which encompasses same-sex partners, women who are biologically unable to bear a baby to term, and single women. #3 Donated eggs and/or sperm may be used A fertility specialist may consider using donated eggs and/or sperm in some cases. In both cases, the egg can be manually fertilized in the laboratory, and the resulting viable embryo can be used for IVF, increasing the odds of becoming pregnant on the first or second try. #4 You have complete leverage over the pacing IVF helps patients who are concentrating on their jobs or who have a special life condition that impacts when they choose their baby to be born by giving them more total flexibility. #5 Boost the odds of giving birth to a healthy child Genetic testing is a valuable tool for ensuring that your baby is born well. You will guarantee that the fetuses used in IVF are free of identified genetic markers by using genetic screening, also known as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). PGT minimises the risk of getting a miscarriage. #6 Helpful in cases of multiple abortions A genetic abnormality is the most prevalent cause of abortion, which causes the body to spontaneously end the pregnancy. Mothers have a higher chance of having a successful pregnancy and taking the baby to term if they use PGT to assess the genetic viability of an embryo ahead of time. #7 Boost your odds of getting pregnant Of all aided reproductive technologies, IVF with PGT has the highest success rate. If required, several cycles should be used to maximize the likelihood of fertilization, a stable pregnancy, and live birth for a mother. #8 The only way to reproduce from donated eggs, sperm, or uterus is to use a third party When there is an issue with egg development, the doctor will recommend that you use donated eggs. Since the egg and sperm must be fertilized outside the body before being injected into a woman’s uterus, IVF is the only choice in such situations. #9 A method for preserving women’s fertility People who are engrossed in their work lose track of the passage of time. Their biological clock isn’t cooperating by the time they start thinking about having a child. Women will opt for IVF later in life by freezing their eggs at a young age. #10 Success rates per cycle Until IVF, physicians often prescribe several other fertility therapies. IVF is reserved for a small group of partners who will benefit the most or solely from this technique. With this form of assisted reproduction, the per-cycle fecundity is higher. If you want to hear more about IVF’s advantages to see if you’re a good choice for assisted reproductive technology, arrange a consultation with Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla.

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